Mr. Zumbahlen
P.E. & Athletic Director
([email protected])
My name is Carl Zumbahlen, this is my 1st year at Sauganash as an Athletic Director and Physical Education teacher. I am currently in my 14th year as a teacher and coach overall. I also serve as the Sophomore basketball coach at Notre Dame College Prep. Volunteering as a coach for my 8 year old Henry and 6 year old Harrison’s teams in my free time.
I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from Eastern Illinois University and taught in Southern Illinois for 5 years before moving to the Chicago area. After moving to Chicago I continued teaching in CPS and Evanston area while completing my Master’s Degree in Sports Administration at Roosevelt University.
Athletics play an important role in our house, and you will find my Wife Heidi, Henry, Harrison and I watching or attending many baseball, basketball, football, or other sporting events throughout the year. Being a transplant to Chicago, I am a Cardinals baseball fan surrounded by Cub fans in my household, but I do enjoy watching the Bears and Bulls too.
My experience has been outstanding at Sauganash, with the amazing families I have already met. I look forward to meeting so many more of you in the future.
I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from Eastern Illinois University and taught in Southern Illinois for 5 years before moving to the Chicago area. After moving to Chicago I continued teaching in CPS and Evanston area while completing my Master’s Degree in Sports Administration at Roosevelt University.
Athletics play an important role in our house, and you will find my Wife Heidi, Henry, Harrison and I watching or attending many baseball, basketball, football, or other sporting events throughout the year. Being a transplant to Chicago, I am a Cardinals baseball fan surrounded by Cub fans in my household, but I do enjoy watching the Bears and Bulls too.
My experience has been outstanding at Sauganash, with the amazing families I have already met. I look forward to meeting so many more of you in the future.