Did you know Sauganash School is a CPS eco-leader and getting greener all the time?
In fact, we were selected by CPS to pilot a brand-new milk carton recycling program which could potentially have a HUGE impact on schools throughout the city!
We made the switch from dreaded styrofoam lunch containers to recyclable cardboard. And we are using biodegradable "sporks" (spoons/forks) at lunchtime now, too! Our school recycles literally tons a year!
The Green Team is working with students to help with those efforts and find even more ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Other ways you can help be green:
· Instead of buying new craft materials, use recycled materials for your project! · Pack a zero-waste lunch (it’s way easier than you think!) · Wait… before you copy that flyer… can you send an email instead? If not, consider condensing info so you can fit several mini-flyers on one page – or print on two sides! · Avoid idling your car (save gas money and reduce noxious fumes!)