Mrs. Ocampo
([email protected])
Hello! My name is Lisa Ocampo. I was born in Chicago, but grew up in Skokie, IL. I graduated from Niles West High School. I have an older brother and a younger sister. I am married and have two boys ages 18 and 16. Their names are Xavier and Alexander. Alexander is a proud Sauganash Elementary School Alumni! Prior to my position at Sauganash Elementary, I worked at Mark Twain Elementary School on the southside of Chicago. This is my 4th year working as a SECA. My hobbies include reading, hiking and traveling. Hiking to nearly the bottom of the Grand Canyon was an adventure of a lifetime for my family. We have also hiked some amazing trails in Utah at Arches National Park. Our family goal in the near future is to hike the Grand Canyon from rim-to-rim.